Pulsatile cell-autonomous contractility drives compaction in the mouse embryo

J.-L. Maître, R. Niwayama, H. Turlier, F. Nédélec, and T. Hiiragi. Nature Cell Biology 17, 849-855 (2015).

Mammalian embryos initiate morphogenesis with compaction, which is essential for specifying the first lineages of the blastocyst. The 8-cell-stage mouse embryo compacts by enlarging its cell–cell contacts in a Cdh1-dependent manner. It was therefore proposed that Cdh1 adhesion molecules generate the forces driving compaction. Using micropipette aspiration to map all tensions in a developing embryo, we show that compaction is primarily driven by a twofold increase in tension at the cell–medium interface. We show that the principal force generator of compaction is the actomyosin cortex, which gives rise to pulsed contractions starting at the 8-cell stage. Remarkably, contractions emerge as periodic cortical waves when cells are disengaged from adhesive contacts. In line with this, tension mapping of mzCdh1−/− embryos suggests that Cdh1 acts by redirecting contractility away from cell–cell contacts. Our study provides a framework to understand early mammalian embryogenesis and original perspectives on evolutionary conserved pulsed contractions.

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Mechanics of tissue compaction


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